For a more detailed syllabus click here.
Contact the club on 4933 6501 or via email for more information.
Alternatively contact 0438 216187
Course Cost - Club Members $250.00 Non- Members - $350.00
Other courses may be run on request
All courses will be subject to suitable safe weather
A course requires two registrants to run
Safety and Sea Survival Course
We have organised a Safety and Sea Survival Course to be conducted at the CCYC on the May Day Weekend (Sat 4-Sun 5th May)
The Instructor (Annnette Hesselmans) is a very experienced sailor, and has the honour of fifth place (PHS) in the 2018 Melbourne Osaka race.
For those that have done a SSSC course before, there is a refreshed course, which is just one day (cost $495)
For those that haven’t done a course before, you will need the full 2 day course (cost $695)
Most of the classroom activities will be done at the CCYC, the water activities at the Yeppoon Swimming Pool, and the flare activation on the ramp at the club.
Here’s a link to the content of the course on Australian Sailing
This course is valuable to ALL sailors, whether cruising or racing, as it means you are prepared when things go pear shaped.
The course includes deploying a 10 Person training life raft, demonstration of EPIRBS, PLB and AIS, MOB recovery systems, a range of PFDs to ‘explore’, tethers and other items to demonstrate safety and emergency situations.
It seems like a lot of money, but that really gets down to what value you (and your family) put on your life?
$695 (or $139/year) isn’t a lot is it means you don’t come home in a body bag.
We are limited to 20 people for the course (refresher and full course), so it will be first in gets the seat.
Full Course $695 (inclusive of RYA Sea Survival Handbook, flares, all training, Australian Sailing Certificate valid for 5 years).
Refresher Course $495 and is one day only.